We’d only been living in Cyprus for about 4 months when the Fielding’s moved in across the road. They had 3 children, Jake who is about 18 months older than Cameron and twins Frank & Florence who are 4 months younger than Fraser & Kirsty. The children (and the parents) have been firm friends ever since even when they lived in Nepal and we didn’t see them for about 2 years.
While living in Cyprus Cameron invited Jake to his Sunday School and in Jake’s words from the order of service
“ I grew up knowing about Christianity. But when I moved to Cyprus and a friend brought me to church I started to understand what Jesus had done for me. My faith began to affect my day to day life and help me cope. Confirmation to me means to show that I am a Christian, who has strengthened his relationship with God, learned more about Him. And now I know I am always with God
This year Jake decided to get confirmed in the Church of England that stands in the grounds of his school and asked Cameron to be his sponsor (1). This was a great honour for Cameron and he said yes straight away, even though he was anxious about what he had to do and didn’t relish the idea of wearing a tie (first time since his first day of school before he was home educated). Cameron said his youth leader at church had previously said to him it’s easier to journey in faith with someone else.
“Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no-one to help him up!”
Ecclesiastes 4 v 9-10
We all had a wonderful day.
(1) At confirmation you may be asked if you would like a sponsor to stand with you as a symbol of their journeying with you in faith.