Monday, 25 July 2011

Elberry Cove

Wow a blog post on the day it happened. 

Today we met up with a few of the families from the local home-ed group and went to Elberry Cove. It was a beautiful day and even though the schools are now on holiday the beach wasn’t too busy. The Children amused themselves for hours by the ruins of the old bath-house throwing stones, exploring, paddling, rock climbing, playing with seaweed and watching the Beadlet Anemones open up as the tide came in and covered them with water.

It was such a relaxing day but we were tired out by the time we came home and Maisie fell asleep on the sofa.
This evening while watering my raspberries the sky looked like this

sounded like this (swifts flying about)
and smelled of this (nextdoor's Jasmine growing over our hedge)…………….beautiful.

Saturday, 23 July 2011


A lovely picnic with friends at Cockington Court.   To see more info pop over to Vic's blog at "The Liberty Tree"

Pirates and points

On our last day of term at Brownies it was a pirate theme and Kirsty won the end of term points trophy (proud Mum moment).

Legoland and Stonehenge

After saving up our Tesco points we cashed them in for tickets to Legoland, Windsor. Everyone had a great day. 

We didn’t realise that on the way to Legoland we passed Stonehenge so stopped on the way back to take some photos.  The week before Fraser, Kirsty and I had been talking about Stonehenge possibly being used as a calendar in days of old.

A day out at Decoy with Dad

Concert, Compass and certificate

Some highlights from our last couple of weeks.

Also I passed my food hygiene course with 100% score.  It’s been a while since I’ve sat any kind of test so was rather pleased with myself.

Our 18th Wedding Anniversary

On the 2nd of July Paul and I celebrated our 18th wedding anniversary. We had arranged a sitter and planned to have fish and chips by the sea front, unfortunately  Paul took ill so it was a take away by myself (already had the children’s dinner prepared).  Even though they day was not what we  had planned I knew (and still know) that I’m a very blessed wife with the husband I have.

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