Wednesday, 29 December 2010


Last week, because of the snow, our friends couldn’t come and stay but we managed to meet up with them in Bristol at "At-Bristol" which is a great science museum. I’d never been to Bristol before it was nice to see the docks and Clifton Bridge, especially after reading the novel “Love Engineered” written by a friend of mine.

December 2010

Some of the home-ed outings this month. First a meeting at Bygones (Torquay) where the children dressed up and celebrated a Victorian Christmas. Then a “bring and share lunch and craft day” at a friends house where Fraser tried sewing, he wasn’t too bad. Our last home-ed trip of the year was to Killerton House.

So far this autumn/winter we’ve all had our fair share of colds and bugs which is not the norm for us but I know there are others out there suffering worse than us so we really don’t have anything to complain about.

In Paignton we avoided the bulk of the wintry weather, particularly during Devon’s heavy snow event of Sunday 19th into Monday 20th (Paul pointed out "with a brisk South Easterly wind persisting as the weather front crossed Paignton the relatively warm sea (compared to land) temperatures, ensured rain as supposed to the 10-15cm of snow that the rest of Devon experienced"). So far this winter practically all of the UK has ground to a halt with snow and ice which prevented our friends from coming to stay on the run up to Christmas.

Christmas was a quiet but pleasant family affair for us and Paul managed to have the day off again this year.

November 2010

We began with a home-ed visit to Exeter Cathedral and some family walks in our local area (Churston).

Got crafty when a friend ran a "wet and needle felting art workshop" which went down well, also the girls and some friends made cakes to sell at Brownies for “Children in Need” making £23.

Our Garden produced butternut squash which was made into a nice thick soup (Fraser’s favourite), also Cameron had his train track brace fitted, which is expected to be in for about 18 months.

Last but not least Fraser and Kirsty celebrated their 9th birthday.

October 2010

I’ve been trying to remember what we’ve been up to in October by checking photos and looking at the calendar to see what we’ve been up to.

A few coughs and colds were had this month and one day we were supposed to be going on a picnic but one of us wasn’t feeling great (can’t remember who). So instead we had the picnic in the living room and listened to our "summer garden sounds" CD . . . it was very relaxing.

The 20th of October 2010 was the pinnacle of the Girlguiding Centenary with a party for the girls from Torbay at the Riviera Centre.

Later in the month there we visited Berry Pomeroy Castle.

At the end of October during half term friends came to stay. We don’t get to see them very often so it’s like Christmas and birthdays all rolled into one for the children.

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